Sunday, April 19, 2015


Today I just wanna share a little bit of inspiration with you all... in the form of a book. :) But before I get to that... let me lead you up to it..

So last year around this time I got accepted into the BFA program at UVU for painting and drawing.. yay! I was so pumped and I totally felt like I had arrived... haha but little did I know that it was just the beginning! Soon enough, talk came of a BFA show and projects and all this crazy stuff.. and I just thought 'what did I get myself into?'. AAHH!! 

Every BFA student has a BFA project... it is your thesis for graduating. You come up with a concept of what your project is about and explore all ideas on it. For me... I was still figuring out who I was as an artist.. so to get all deep and focus on one thing was a big challenge for me. 

I started looking into my soul (I'm so deep... I know..) and really tried to find something I was passionate about. I tossed around a couple ideas but none really were hitting the spot... until I came across the idea of water... and it just spoke to me.

My whole life I have been a mermaid and have loved the water. It is more apart of me that I realized! Once I started focusing my work on water studies I began to soar. I found what I really wanted to explore and create my work about.

In my exploration of waattaaa, one of my lovely artsy friends told me about a book by Masaru Emoto called The Hidden Messages in Water. 

So I got the book and began reading it.. and after just reading the prologue I was beyond pumped. I kept telling Austin how amazing it was and how it just encompassed my work and ideas and thoughts and hopes and dreams and EVERYTHING. :)

While I was reading it I kept my sketchbook with me so I could write down my thoughts and quotes. I almost wrote more than I read because I was that obsessed. One of the quotes I wrote down ended up being in my artist statement for my BFA project... so thank you Mr. Masaru Emoto! Everything he said just struck a cord in me that won't stop vibrating.

I truly encourage you to read this book. It is so beyond inspiring and life changing. Trust me. You will get chills. Yup. :) Plus when see my art maybe you'll have a little more understanding of what it's all about.. eh?

To leave you, here is a little video to give you a taste of what the book is about. Woot!

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